Clemens Spieltiere from Kirchardt

Into our common future with sustainability

Sustainability is the ability to exist and develop without depleting natural resources for the future.

Execute sustainably.

Like all natural fibres, whether animal or plant-based, mohair is characterized by sustainable properties. This is clearly evident in the application and wearing properties during the use phase as well as in the natural decomposition or composting at the end of the life cycle. Another aspect is the method of production. In the case of mohair in particular, the conditions under which the animals are kept are reflected in the fiber properties. An animal that is not kept in a species-appropriate manner will rarely produce fibers with the silky sheen and feel typical of mohair. Accordingly, all processors in the supply chain pay the utmost attention to the best possible usage and husbandry conditions for their upstream producers. One step in this direction is the introduction of the Responsible Mohair Standard, which is intended to safeguard the supply chain for the customer

Microfiber plush / soft plush is increasingly being made entirely from recycled materials. This means that more and more soft plush items are also products whose CO2 emissions can be calculated and thus make an important contribution to climate protection.

Recognizing skills, helping to shape change and committing to a shared future.

We have already achieved a great deal with the materials we use, but we are constantly working to minimize our ecological footprint. We continue to look for new ways to save energy and emissions and to minimize waste and pollution.

Striving for the greatest possible sustainability is a matter of course for us and we know that we can achieve more together and, with this in mind, we are embarking on an extended search for partners to help us achieve the greatest possible sustainability.